Castel del Monte
Come visit Gran Sasso Velino territory and discover the hearth of Abruzzo

Castel del Monte


The history of Castel del Monte starts thousands of years ago, when the residents of the Città delle Tre Corone, to escape the many invasions, sought refuge in a fortified center on the mountains. The very name of the town, Castellum de Montis, refers to a protected area surrounded by mountains.

Since the beginning of the 20th century the town has become a more modern center. Nowadays, Castel del Monte is part of the mountain community of Campo Imperatore-Piana di Navelli and is within the National Park. It is an important touristic hotspot, and it is considered one of the most beautiful hamlets in Italy.

The places of interest are main religious architectures, but there are also some archeological sites, like for example the one in the plain of Saint Marco, where you can visit the remains of a medieval pagus.

Castel del Monte

One of Italy's most beautiful towns

Dove siamo

Inhabitants: 463
Area: 58,03 km²
Altitude: 1 346 m s.l.m.
Mayor: Matteo Pastorelli
Zip code: 67023
Area code: 0862
Address: via del Municipio, 5
Phone: 0862-938137