Come visit Gran Sasso Velino territory and discover the hearth of Abruzzo



Rocca di Botte takes his name from an old ‘rocca’ (Italian for ‘fortress’) that, between 11th and 12th century, overlooked the entire territory and the Piana del Cavaliere. The town, already known in the 10th century thanks to the Benedictine monastery, is the hometown of Saint Peter the Hermit, also known as “The Wandering Knight”.

The town’s history is tied to its strategic position between Abruzzo and Lazio, but also to the patron saint and his still intact home.

Rocca di Botte, like the other towns in this area, was first governed by the Montanea family, later by the Orsini, and finally by the Colonna. In the end, the various baronages of the area left it alone and, due to some significant events – the plague of 1656 and Avezzano’s earthquake – its population greatly decreased. But, in contrast with every other town in Abruzzo, after the year 2000 Rocca di Botte’s population started to grow, also thanks to the many families that bought a home here.

During the year, the town strived to valorize its historical heritage, especially the church of San Paolo, where you will find the same altar and tabernacle from the 12th century, as well as the church of Saint Peter the Hermit, the town’s patron saint.

Speaking of which, be sure not to miss the recently created Path of Saint Peter the Hermit. An internal journey along the footsteps of a saint that starts from the Piana del Cavaliere, touches the Valla dell’Aniene and ends in Trevi, in Lazio region, where Saint Peter died.


Hometown of Saint Peter the Hermit.

Dove siamo

Inhabitants: 848
Area: 31,1 km²
Altitude: 750 m s.l.m.
Mayor: Fernando Antonio Marzolini
Zip code: 67066
Area code: 0863
Phone: 0863.998131